It’s all in the kind of Raw Coffee Beans you use

I was strolling down the street on my way to work, feeling tired and famished and not excited for another day at the office, when a fresh and sweet aroma snatched my attention away. The closer I moved to the entrance, the deeper and the more concentrated the air around me became. That coffee was just so different! From the fragrance, you could almost predict or imagine the delicious taste.

“It’s all in the kind of raw coffee beans you use”, one self-professed coffee addict friend told me, and recommended RYO Coffee for the different types of Raw Coffee Beans that they have.

Raw Coffee Beans

If you want to wake up with that smell of freshly roasted coffee, then why not try the art of home roasting your own coffee? You literally don’t get any fresher! Being South Africa’s first dedicated Micro-lot distributor of raw coffee beans, RYO coffee has undoubtedly become a leader in supplying a variety of Raw Coffee Beans for the home roaster.

The Colombia Green Raw Coffee Beans.

Colombia is known for its smooth, flavourful and delicious coffee because of its perfect geography for growing raw coffee beans. The climate there is just ‘on-point’ for its rich, yet mild flavour. What seems to enhance this high-quality coffee is the altitude as well as the wet tropical climate and volcanic soil properties in this region. Colombia Green coffee beans are traditional dark-roast coffee with a deep long-lasting flavour. RYO Coffee transports the raw beans in specialized, food quality plastic bags within the traditional hessian bags to ensure no degradation of the beans during the transportation process. This is called Grain Pro Coffee.

RYO also supplies Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Green Coffee Beans.

Did you know that Ethiopia has provided some of the world’s best single origin premium coffee beans? This may have something to do with the fact that historians date the beginning of the coffee tradition to the country of Ethiopia. Ethiopian coffees have a winey quality and a distinct wildness in their acidity. Ehiopia Yirgacheffes are spicy with a fruity fragrance and are considered among the highest quality coffees in the world.

The RYO Blend Green Raw Coffee Beans from RYO Coffee.

One might ask, why blend different varieties of coffee together? Well, have you ever sipped Brazilian coffee and wished if it had just a little more body and richness to it? Or maybe, you love something a little spicier, with a smoky and earthy feel in Guatemala coffee beans but at the same time you’re yearning for the bright citrus acidity of a Kenyan coffee? That’s the ultimate purpose of RYO blended coffees, to bring home all the elements that define your kind of coffee; bringing a balance to it and taking you to a place of total satisfaction.

There’s a lot to learn about  coffee beans that can assist you to establish the type of coffee that tickles your fancy, or create the type of blend specific to your taste profile. If you would like to get deeper into it, do not hesitate to contact RYO Coffee!